

You have entered my world of small places and whimsical thoughts, and photos of my favorate things and fun afternoons in the shade.

Come in and enjoy a moment of quiet time, and creativity, and
interesting places to visit. Don't forget your coffee, or favorite drink, you might be here a while.

I am hoping to make this a weekly update, but as the world turns it may be I find myself in a wondering mood, and find I have to catch up and find out where you have been instead.

Thank you for visiting, and come muse with me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Follow up on mazes from the air

 Corm Mazes are a farm  phenomenon, they provide added income in the hard times of farming and near a large metropolitan area they can help provide the difference in making another year profitable and shutting down the family farm.

In Colorado they have become quite popular, whether made by a computer,

or just a farmer making his own.

( click on pictures to see it clearer)

The beauty in them can only be seen by air,  they make a great pictures in the sky's as we fly over them.
We love to take  new visitors to see this art in the sky's, on a beautiful morning while we travel  to breakfast at a local airport restaurant
, .

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