

You have entered my world of small places and whimsical thoughts, and photos of my favorate things and fun afternoons in the shade.

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interesting places to visit. Don't forget your coffee, or favorite drink, you might be here a while.

I am hoping to make this a weekly update, but as the world turns it may be I find myself in a wondering mood, and find I have to catch up and find out where you have been instead.

Thank you for visiting, and come muse with me.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day Memories and what he taught me.

Father's Day, Is my day of memories, things we as a family  learned from my dad. 

 I learned you can be a hero.

I learned being part of a family meant doing for others, will benefit you too,

I learned don't lie, it doesn't pay,

 I learned sitting up strait or standing up strait, will make you look confident.

I learned you can always share something and still have it as your own,

I learned hard work would not kill you. 

I learned, watch your manners it helps you be a good person, 

I learned look at how you dress, it means something, even if you don’t have much to wear. 

I learned having fun can be in your own back yard. 

I learned that love and  protection can be a good thing.

I learned anger is harmful. 

I learned he loved me just because.

I learned you can make beautiful music with a whistle.

I learned creativity out of necessity. 

I learned you can make it with something if you look around and see what you have and use it.

I learned fun can be gotten with very little.

I learned look out for others, especially those that can’t help themselves.

I learned cruelty can be quick, but have lasting consequences. 

I leaned the good and the bad in life, but it does not have to make you either.  Just balance it. 

These things are things I learned from My Dad. I am sure there are so many more. Some say he was not worthy to call father, some say he was mean, some say he did not love them, all that may be true in my family, but I loved him, I knew how he felt about a lot of things because I took time to find out. He wanted more for us than we wanted for ourselves, but he did not have the means to get us there. He wanted well behaved children because he knew the bible, and he knew that if you spared the rod you spoiled the child. He wanted love, but many times did not know how to give it because it was not given to him first, when he was young. You only can mimic what your taught from your parents. He required respect, but had a hard time teaching it, and because of that may have been hard and difficult. But he told me he loved us all. He was overwhelmed many a day and did his best, as he knew it. 

I hope that you can look into Fathers day  and find something, one thing you can say positive to balance a negative of your own Dad, and maybe in this dad.

Fathers have so much to do, so much to care for,
so much to concern themselves with, so much to answer for, so much to balance, and so much to bring into your lives during the time you live with them. You can not know that until you are one.

Fathers are your major influence in all you will be as an adult, and with out one you will be less of a person. 

Today pick something and let others know a good thing or a and bad thing. But the one thing I really learned well from my Dad is “ If you can’t say something nice... be quiet”.

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